Have you ever found life getting in the way of your quilting? This is for you.
Whether you are simply trying to enter the arena of quilting, or you have been doing it for more years than you want to count, life sometimes just happens, and quilting gets sidelined. Really, like I need to tell you this. I too have had life throw me curve balls and get in the way. My journey with quilting has not been a straight line by any means. I have started, stopped, started again, stopped again, hit roadblocks, veered off course, and more. But I keep coming back.
As we undertake the Back to Quilting Challenge to pick up projects we have placed aside, or quilting as a whole after a busy and chaotic summer, I am going to explore the 4 biggest categories of ‘Blockages’ that arise and things that I have learned that can help.
Sound familiar? If you think about most of the reasons you have had for not working on quilting, or not starting to learn, they probably fall into one of these.